The role of attachment in sexualised polydrug use among LGBT+ male Chemsex users and the impact on Neuropsychology: Clinical implications for the use of Mentalisation Based Therapy (MBT)

Document Type : Theoretical Article


Department of Psychology, School of Arts and Social Sciences, London City University, London, UK


LGBT+ individuals still experience systemic, cultural, and personal discrimination in modern society, the impacts of which may impact not only on their mental wellbeing, but also their interpersonal functioning. Within LGBT+ men Chemsex is becoming of increasing interest in the literature. Current research into Chemsex explores the engagement through an epidemiological lens, exploring factors related to likelihood of engaging in Chemsex. Seldom however, outside of standard treatment protocols for addiction, has literature been submitted with recommendations on how best to support the needs of these individuals who are seeking support for their Chemsex use. Standard drug treatments may be lacking in understanding the unique phenomenology of LGBT+ men, resultant of the discrimination they may face within society, their homes, with their peers or other relationships.

The purpose of this paper is to examine how the experiences of LGBT+ men may impact on their psychological wellbeing through insecure attachments and subsequent mentalising capabilities. Based on the current evidence base with regards to attachment and mentalisation within LGBT+ men, it is being proposed that Mentalisation Based Therapy (MBT) may be an effective treatment model for LGBT+ men who view their Chemsex use as problematic.


Main Subjects

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